Apps That Do One Thing Well
Mac Apps
One thing that happens to some apps over time is bloating through
feature creep. Customers demand constant updates to justify
subscriptions or to satisfy some imaginary metric in their heads thats
their apps aren't abandoned and the next thing you know, your favorite
notes app has AI and your calendar apps can order you an Uber and it
just all gets out of hand. That's why I like apps that do one thing well
and that's it. I have a few favorites.
Mission Control Plus
Mission Control
Plus adds the ability to close and minimize apps and windows from
the Mission Control Screen. That's it and that's enough. When you have
to many apps open and your workspace is getting cluttered, just invoke
Mission Control with a hot corner or F3 and start clicking some X
QuitAll labels
itself as a fresh start without a restart. While it's possible to quit
all open apps with an AppleScript or a Keyboard Maestro macro, QuitAll
lets you toggle between quitting and force quitting your open apps. Quit
one, some, or all apps from one tidy spot. Apps will prompt you to save
any unsaved work before they close. You can even adjust your settings to
quit background apps if you want to.
One Thing
One Thing by Indy
App developer Sindre Sorhus lets you put a single task or goal in your
menu bar. Based on the principal that "You can achieve almost anything
in life — as long as you focus on achieving one thing at a time. It’s a
time-tested strategy that’s been shared by many successful people."