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August 6th, 2024

Software for Mounting and Writing to NTFS Drives on a Mac

Mac Apps
iBoysoft NTFS for Mac

I need to write to external NTFS formatted drives from my M3 iMac on a regular basis for my job. I investigated the free options, primarily Mounty and found them to have a little too much friction for me on a computer running Sonoma with the aforementioned Apple Silicon. I opted for paid software for this mundane task. My choice was iBoysoft NTFS Mounter for Mac and in the four months since I installed it, I haven't had a single read/write error.

NTFS Mounter works in the finder and in alternative file managers like Path Finder and Qspace. It adds the ability to format drives with NTFS using Disk Utility. It installs as a startup item and lives in the menubar of your computer. I never need to access its settings, since the defaults work perfectly well, so I used Bartender to hide the icon. It works with SSD drives connected via USB-C and with various thumb drives I access through a USB 3.0 hub. The speed is slower than natively formatted drives, but it is bearable.

The one thing is cannot do that I wish it would - access NTFS drives encrypted with Bitlocker. I still have to use a PC when that need arises, which is seldom.

There is a free trial of 14 days. When that's over you can purchase it for $49.95 or opt for a yearly subscription for $19.95. You can get it on the Mac App Store as well as the developer's site.  It's also available through Setapp which is how I found it.