August 3rd, 2024

Swift Shift - A Free Tool to Move and Resize Windows

Mac Apps
Swift Shift Prefs
Swift Shift Prefs

Using keyboard shortcuts you define, Swift Shift allows you to easily move and resize windows without searching for the title bar or waiting for tiny arrows to appear. On my Mac, I set the hyperkey (CapsLock) to activate move mode. Now, when I press the key, whatever window is under my cursor moves along with it. I don't have to click and drive by the title bar alone. When I press control+option, the window under my cursor resizes, as if I has grabbed an edge or corner.

If you are used to a Linux style window manager that requires you to use a mouse button along with a shortcut key, you can add that as a requirement.

Shortcut prefs
Shortcut prefs

You have the option of using the bottom right corner as the center of all your resizing actions or using quadrants which will move/or resize the window that will edge or resize the windows from the edge or corner closest to your mouse.

Swift Shift is free to download on GitHub.