September 18th, 2024

The Time Machine Mechanic

Mac Apps
Time Machine Report
Time Machine Report

I have been using a Backup Status widget to keep track of my Time machine backups but with the release of Sequoia it has stopped functioning. The next best tool in my arsenal to monitor backups is The Time Machine Mechanic, a free utility from the Eclectic Light Company. The Time Machine Mechanic is designed to work on computers with an attached Time Machine Drive performing hourly or daily backups. It translates system logs and gives you information on:

  • Errors
  • Backup regularity
  • Free space
  • Number and size of files backed up

If you download from the website, you also get a PDF with detailed information on reading the report if you need it. You can also install via Homebrew using the command 

brew install --cask thetimemachinemechanic